Celebrating Ten Years of Oklahoma City Young Professionals!
October 13 | 7:30 PM | Will Rogers Theatre
Arilla Broadus - WINNER
Corian England
Eliud Villarreal
Michele Walker
Breanna Branch
Victor Castillo
Sophie Fox
Shanna Garrett
Houston Johnson
John Lee
Aslan Maleki - WINNER
Danielle Shannon
Arledge & Associates
First Liberty Bank
First United Bank
Gateway First Bank
Great Plains Bank
Polston Tax - WINNER
Coop Ale Works
Exotic Motorsports of Oklahoma
Fuse 3 Solutions
Jared Goins Insurance Agency
Native Chiropractic
OSSO Sports & Social
Running Wild Catering - WINNER
Cavett Kids Foundation - WINNER
New View Oklahoma
Oklahoma City Memorial & Museum
OIC of Oklahoma County
Victim's Impact panel
House and Home Mortage, Loan Officer - Breanna Branch
Edward Jones, Financial Advisor - John Lee
First United Bank, Vice President - Sam Marshall
Quail Creek Bank, Credit Analyst - Ryan Miller
First Bethany Bank & Trust, Vice President - Chris Reed
Raymond James, Financial Advisor - Rhett Schuman
BancFirst, Vice President - Justin Smith - WINNER
Running Wild Catering, Asst. Manager - Arilla Broadus
Gateway first Bank, Business Development - Victor Castillo
Polston Tax, Business Development - Taelor Connell
First Liberty Bank, Treasury Management - Corian England
BancFirst, Vice President - Justin Smith
Smith & Sons Insurance Agency, Agent - Ryan Smith
Core Group US, Business Development - Michele Walker - WINNER
Running Wild Catering, Manager - Arilla Broadus - WINNER
Gateway First Bank, Business Development - Victor Castillo
Polston Tax, Business Development - Taelor Connell
Cornerstone Wealth Services, Financial Advisor - Jordan Edwards
Native Chiropractic, Partner - Preston Cook
Victim's Impact Panel, Executive Director - Sean Rose
BancFirst, Vice President - Justin Smith
Chamber Ambassador - Corian England - WINNER
Women & Wheels - Sophie Fox
Community Volunteer - Jared Goins
Community Volunteer - Bradley Kirouac
New Leader's Council - Constanzia Nizza
Community Volunteer - Armando Perez
Cavett Kids Foundation - Neil Tate
Arilla Broadus for her role as Marketing Chair of OKCYP
Taelor Connell for her role as Vice Chair of OKCYP
Sophie Fox for her role as Owner of Women & Wheels - WINNER
Shanna Garrett for her role as a Realtor
Bradley Kirouac for his role as the YP Leadership Program Chair
Constanzia Nizza for her role as Government Affairs Chair of OKCYP - WINNER
Michele Walker for her role as an Awards Committee member of OKCYP
Ryan Skeffington for his roles as an Entrepreneur
Eliud Villarreal for his role as Chairman of OKCYP
OSSO Sports & Social, Owner - Blake Bullard
ERA Courtyard Realty, Realtor - Ally Clark
Native Chiropractic, Owners - Dr. Brittany & Preston Cook
Women & Wheels, Owner - Sophie Fox
Serial Entrepreneur - Jared Goins
Morris Insurance Agency - Tyler Morris
Exotic Motorsports of Oklahoma, Partner - Eliud Villarreal - WINNER
Bradley Kirouac
Constanzia Nizza - WINNER
Michele Walker
Victor Castillo - WINNER
Shanna Garrett
Armando Perez
Danielle Campbell
Tim Fernandez
Tonisha Jones
Regina Kim
Tayvon Lewis
Ryan Skeffington
Alexandra Coleman - Young - WINNER
Briza Ibanez - WINNER